Friday, May 27, 2011


i found this letter in my grandpa's house today.

"for it is only with you that i find true contentment. and only in your arms that my world is complete.

thanks for being my all for 45 years, dear.
love max."

whatalove.. how happy they must be.

numero dos.


put it on the list.
i'm officially obsessed.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

numero uno.

mint green.

has officially joined my forever favorite color [grey]

tswift. jbaby. chobear.

i miss these two girls more than anything.
without our three-some, i'm kind of just a one-some.
a very sad one-some.

they are my rock. they are my foreversisters.

what i wouldn't give to relive our day together in paris.
[or for that matter]

thank heavens for tweets. texts. tumbls. blogs. and picture messages.
only thing keeping me sane.

miss you both.

Monday, May 23, 2011



beauty for my wrist.

beauty on repeat all day long.

spending the last week here.

getting rid of

and of course,


ps. i have two new favorite colors.
more on that later.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


i can't decide which i want more.
this polar bear
or this adorable little blonde boy.

let's be honest.
how on earth would i take care of a polar bear?

or an adorable little boy...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011



Monday, May 9, 2011

acuvue oasis


i hate the eye doctor.
there's nothing i do worse than make time for the eye doctor [which is a problem since i'm blind without these little babies]
buttttt i called the office this morning. ordered a 6-month supply and picked them up on my way home from work.
ideal, right?!!!
i swear it usually takes a 4 hour appt. where everything is blurry and they shine ever color of the rainbow at my face, making my mascara run all afternoon. [which is kind of okay, since everyone else in there is 95 with cataracts]

but then they have to order the contacts, which usually take 17 years, and by then i've been stuck with glasses on my face since the time i went swimming a lost my left one...

every time i leave the office, i swear i'm going to make a quick stop to get lasik on the way home...

but not this time.
this time it was just a phone call and a 5 minute drive away.
i might just love the eye doctor now.
but probably not.
[check with me in 6 months]

ps. i hate 3d movies. judge me mmk

Sunday, May 8, 2011

nothing better.

this describes me and my mother perfectly.
every time i have a panic attack she's the first person i call.
because she can fix anything.

she can problem-solve better than anyone i know.
i always know everything will be fine if my mom is involved.
i love to try and problem-solve too.

she is also the best shopper i know.
it is true.
you should see the j.simpson heels she came home with yesterday.
i love to try and shop too.

she is the most giving and serviceable person i could ever look up to.
daily she's visiting widows in our ward, sick friends, birthday girls, or her kids college roommates.
she's always cooking for 30 people, and i swear has callings in primary, young womens, and relief society simultaneously.
i love to try and help those in need too.

she goes above and beyond with everything.
anything she does is perfect. beautiful. amazing.
i love to try and go above and beyond too.

being able to watch my mom and her amazing example is the reason i do anything i do.
shes the reason i try to be a better person, and the reason i believe i can be that better person. my mom.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


going through the motions.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


reasons to see fast five?

paul walker.
paul walker.
paul walker.
paul walker.
paul walker.

sweatshirts are better anyways

loved watching her fairytale
hated watching her fairytale